Originally from Alamogordo, New Mexico, Kathryn joined the studio in March of 2015.
Growing up, Kathryn loved playing whatever game she could get her hands on. From the Sims computer games to Makala board games, she thrived during gameplay because she was able to strategize.
“Strategic thinking is what makes games fun for me.”
Tell us something cool about yourself.
I grew up playing upright bass, viola, and guitar. I have an electric bass that I play from time to time.
What is your favorite game to play during your spare time?
League of Legends – It’s a blast. I get to play with my friends and it’s overall fun. I can play with other people who aren’t as experienced as I am and we all have fun.
What is your role in the department?
I work in web development, maintenance, and accessibility. I was the Project Manager for the Math Snacks Game Curse Reverse and I contribute art and animations for an array of our games and interactives.
What advice would you give to individuals pursuing a career in the game design field?
Get started as soon as possible, the more practice the better, and constantly refine your portfolio.
Why are learning games important to you?
If people are going to be spending so much time doing something, [that activity] should be valuable. So, if players choose to dedicate their time to a certain game in order to learn, that game better be worth it. I think it is so cool that kids can use learning games in math classes. I wish I’d had that when I was in school. I am terrible at math and I think it might have really helped.
Where did you go to school? What did you study?
I went to NMSU DACC for my associate’s of science in Creative Media Technology and my bachelor’s in individualized studies with concentrations in graphic design, business, and computer science.
What inspires you?
Cooking ALL the food and making the world pretty through design and art.
What has been your favorite project to work on?
The Navajo project [Selected Plants of Navajo Rangelands]. I enjoyed filling a huge need in the community as well as learning about their native plants, culture, language, and reservation life.
Tell us about a challenging moment in your career.
On the Navajo [Rangelands] project, while we were deciding what type of electronic tool to give them (i.e., browser-based interactive, mobile platform, etc.) it was, at first, quite difficult to meet their needs. So, we had to scrap the work we had done and start from scratch. It was a bummer.
Name a game that changed the way you see the world.
Inside – This lovely, mysterious game brought up excellent discussions about humanity, abortion, and fatalism everytime I watched it being played or played it with others watching.
Recently, Kathryn was admitted to the prestigious Entertainment Technology (M.E.T) program at Carnegie Mellon, where she will complete her master’s in game design. We wish her the best of luck in her studies and hope for a speedy return!